VMWare move from old VC to new VC

In the process of moving from an old vCenter to a new vCenter (same storage) you might need consider some things

  • What do you want to do and when?
  • Commit snapshots? (consolidate disks)
  • Remove floppys?
  • Remove from old vCenter
  • Add to new vCenter
  • Add hardware?
  • Add hotplug cpu/mem?
  • Snapshot before upgrade virtual hardware?
  • Hardware upgrade?
  • New network name?
  • Upgrade vmware tools (reboot?) ?


Scripts to help with this, both on the way down and up so it will be made exactly the same every time and dont do anything else than what is set out to do. Im not used to powershell so bare with me.

What if we have vm appliances with very old hardware versions? should those get upgraded directly or does it need more digging to see if its supported? In this version its not yet considered and if we have a CSV file with alot of vm’s we can migrate/move all these vms at once but in doing so you have little control over whats happening in your vCenter environment, letting this beast loose on 100+ vms might be bad for you hart.


 Move to new VC, deregister
 Remove ISO files to CD
 Shutdown a vm
 Remove floppy
 Consolidate disks
 Deregister VM
 Enable-VMHotAdd -VM MyVM -Device CPU 
 $vm = "MyVM"
 $vm | vcold.ps1
 $vmlist = "MyVM1","MyVM2","MyVM3"
 $vmlist | % { Enable-VMHotAdd -VM $_ -Device CPU }
 VM's need to register in the new VC with vcnew script
# See to that only 1 input is made

param (
[string] $vm = $null
# Functions
function disconect_vm_cdrom ()
 Get-VM $vm | Get-CDDrive | Where {$_.ConnectionState.Connected} | Set-CDDrive -Connected $false -Confirm:$false
# Power off VM
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $vm -Confirm:$false"
Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $vm -Confirm:$false
#Wait for Shutdown to complete
 do {
 #Wait 5 seconds
 Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "waiting 5 seconds to check powerstate"
 Start-Sleep -s 5
 #Check the power status
 $MyVM = Get-VM -Name $vm
 $status = $MyVM.PowerState
 }until($status -eq "PoweredOff")
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "powerstate is PoweredOff"
# remove floppy
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "get-vm $vm | Get-FloppyDrive | Remove-FloppyDrive -Confirm:$false"
get-vm $vm | Get-FloppyDrive | Remove-FloppyDrive -Confirm:$false

Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "disconect_vm_cdrom $vm"
disconect_vm_cdrom $vm

# Consolidate disks ?
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "ConsolidateVMDisks"
(Get-VM -Name "$vm").ExtensionData.ConsolidateVMDisks()

# before deregister, show VMX filepath and NetworkName
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Get VMX Filepath for $vm"
Get-VM -Name $vm | Get-View | %{$_.Config.Files.VmPathName}
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Show network name"
Get-VirtualPortGroup -VM $vm|select Name
# Deregister VM from VC OLD
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Removing from inventory: Remove-Inventory -Item $vm -Confirm:$false"
Remove-Inventory -Item $vm -Confirm:$false

Register and do some stuff into the new vCenter

 Register VM's from VCOLD.PS1
 Register VM from DS
 Snapshot (in case of restore)
 HW Upgrade v10 if old hw version is 8 or newer
 power on
 vmware tools upgrade
 Enable-VMHotAdd -VM MyVM -Device CPU 
 $vm = "MyVM"
 $vm | vcold.ps1
 $vmlist = "MyVM1","MyVM2","MyVM3"
 $vmlist | % { Enable-VMHotAdd -VM $_ -Device CPU }
 VM's need to register in the new VC with vcnew script
# Se to that correctinput is made
param (
 [string]$ESXHost = $( Read-Host "Input ESXHost, please" ),
 [string]$VMXFile = $( Read-Host "Input VMXFile, please" ),
 [string]$Network = $( Read-Host "Input Network, please" ),
 [switch]$force = $false
# register VM with DISKPATH
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "New-VM -VMFilePath $VMXFile -VMHost $ESXHost -NetworkName $Network"
New-VM -VMFilePath $VMXFile -VMHost $ESXHost -NetworkName $Network
# Take a snapshot on the VM
New-Snapshot -Name "Beforev10" -VM $vm -Confirm:$false

# Hardwareversion upgrade 
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "set-vm -Version v10 $vm -Confirm:$false"
set-vm -Version v10 $vm -Confirm:$false

# Power On and wait a while
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Start-VM -VM $vm -Confirm:$false"
Start-VM -VM $vm -Confirm:$false
#Wait for Shutdown to complete
 do {
 #Wait 5 seconds
 echo "waiting 40 seconds to check powerstate"
 Start-Sleep -s 40
 #Check the power status
 $MyVM = Get-VM -Name $vm
 $status = $MyVM.PowerState
 }until($status -eq "PoweredOn")
echo "powerstate is PoweredOn"

# Upgrade vmware tools 
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Mount-Tools -VM $vm"
Mount-Tools -VM $vm
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Update-Tools -VM $vm -NoReboot"
Update-Tools -VM $vm -NoReboot
Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Dismount-Tools -VM $vm"
Dismount-Tools -VM $vm


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